A teenage Dick Grayson is shown intensely working out for over an hour straight with no sign of fatigue and busting open a punching bag (New Teen Titans v1 #29)
Withstanding brutal torture from the Confessor who attempts to get him to talk but is unable to despite enduring pain "far worse than he's ever suffered" before (New Teen Titans v1 #22)
Shows no sign of pain or suffering as he's standing in a burning building holding down two criminals at the same time who are choking and in pain due to the massive fire and smoke around them (Nightwing #90)
Is set on fire by a lighter torch within close range and takes no damage mostly thanks to the nomex in his suit (Nightwing v2 #18)
His Batman suit is made to withstand the heavy pressure of the deep ocean plus he's able to hold his breath for 7 minutes deep underwater having boosted his oxygen levels in advance thanks to his intense training from Bruce Wayne/Batman (Detective Comics #878)
Showcasing impressive stamina as he outlasts even Midnighter (who collapses before Dick does and even mentions that they're all going to die while bragging about being able to outlast them) as they're forced to walk through the desert and he does so for over a week on top of having to take care of a baby the entire time (Grayson #5)
A guard catches him by surprise while he's distracted shooting him twice yet despite being hurt he's still able to recover quickly enough to take the guard out (Nightwing Mini #4)
Is shot in the back of the head by Dr. Hurt with a .32 bullet that didn't penetrate his skull but still badly injuried him. Despite this, he's still able to recover quickly escaping his binds. Soon afterwards, he's also shown more than capable enough to help Batman (Bruce) and Robin fight off Hurt's 99 fiends (Batman & Robin #15)
Is shot twice in the back twice by assualt rifle gunfire while jumping in mid air yet still is able to quickly and safely recover plus the bullets are shown to bounce off his suit (Nightwing v2 #19)
Impaled through the side and still able to defeat the White Knight (Batman & Robin #22)
Despite being injuried due to his recent battle with another Talon then being surprised attacked and badly hurt via throwing daggers to his chest (causing him to bleed out) by his great grandfather William Cobb (The Talon who attacked Batman/Bruce Wayne in Old Wayne Tower then hunted him in the Court of Owl's Labyrinth), he's still able to temporarily subdue William Cobb (aka Talon) via hanging him with his cable line (Nightwing v2 #9)
While fighting the assassin Saiko (who Dick mentions is faster than he is), he's forcely pushed off the rooftop they're fighting on with a gush of water into an alley which injuries his ribs yet he's still able to get the upperhand on Saiko plus save the civilians that Saiko puts in danger (Nightwing v2 #1-2)
Takes down Paragon after fighting him within a tight enclosed space (making it hard for Dick to move around/dodge) and impressively withstands much damage from being hit by Paragon's eletrical whips that are powerful enough to collapse half a building with their power as shown in the previous issue (Nightwing v2 #12)
His suit protects him from being badly electrified and harmed as he saves a man's life from the Prankster's high voltage deathtrap (Nightwing v2 #20)
Having just underwent a blood transfusion plus still suffering from the lethal virus that's nearly killed Batman, Dick still defeats a platoon of well armed soldiers head on (Batman & Nightwing Bloodborne)
Is the last one left standing from Batman's team who are quickly KOed by Luthor and his odorless nerve gas. Yet, Dick still manages to disarm Luthor of the weapon he's using and has to be literally beaten down in order to be kept down which frustrates Luthor despite the nerve gas severely weakening him already (Superman Batman #5)
Withstands an onslaught of super speed attacks from a speedster (Grayson #2)
Fighting alongside The Flash (Wally) he withstands some attacks from Gorilla Grodd and holds him off long enough for Flash to take him out (The Flash #211)
Impressively withstands repeated blows from an enraged Blockbuster despite being fatigued beforehand and not fighting back. In addition, he tricks Blockbuster into a confession of his plans that he recorded by wearing a wire (Nightwing #92)
Punched so hard by Raptor (an assassin with Lex Corp high tech power armor) he's knocked through a bus yet impressively still recovers quickly then avoids being blown up. Despite being at a massive physical disadvantage, he still finds a way to defeat Raptor by cleverly turning his own weapon against him (Nightwing #128)
Knocked through a wall by Donna Troy and still manages to recover quickly enough to avoid her next attack with his acrobatic skill (New Teen Titans v2 #19)
Withstands an unexpected punch from Orisis (who has a powerful magical powerset similar to Black Adam & Captain Marvel) and is only seen holding his ribs still on his feet afterwards (Titans #30)
Is knocked away by a Superman clone and is still able to recover quickly from the attack (Outsiders v3 #40)
Withstands a punch from a Superman Robot (due to it being weaker and slower) without being seriously injuried and still conscious recovering fairly quick from the attack (Titans and Young Justice Graduation Day #3)
Forcefully blown away several times by surprise from being too close to the powerful battle between Doomsday and Cyborg Superman with Dick mentioning that his costume's kevlar being the only thing that's keeping him alive (Superman Batman Annaul #5)
Withstands punishment from the powerful giant rhyming demon Acheron (similar to Etrigan The Demon) and still recovers quickly back on his feet (Nightwing v2 #5)